Saturday, August 23, 2014

Movie Review of NOAH

Okay, after reading other reviews and knowing that NOAH is just a Hollywood fantasy and not a Biblical record, I said I would not see this movie.  But being a bit wishy washy, I was talked into it for the "special effects" and the "if it would persuade one person to read the Bible to check the accuracy" then it couldn't be all bad.  I was wrong except for the special effects, it is awful.  Ham pairs up with an ark stowaway, plotting to kill Noah.  There is only Noah, his wife, Shem,  his wife, Ham (no wife) Japheth (no wife).  Shem's wife is pregnant (formerly barren but a touch from Methusaleh rends her very fertile).   She gives birth on the ark.  There are giant animated rocks who help build the ark and keep others out of the ark as it begins to rain.  Those rocks are the fallen angels and they explode in death and become angels of light and go straight back to Heaven.  Noah feels that God is destroying mankind, including his family, and feels compelled to kill his twin granddaughters born on the ark but stays his hand at the last moment.  I could understand if it were Lord of the Rings or Transformers or some other such fantasy, but a movie supposedly made of the Biblical Noah turns out not to be the Biblical Noah at all.  If you are looking for another spectacular special effect fantasy movie, with no Biblical accuracy, this would be the one to see.