Friday, August 9, 2013


I've just finished watching the movie COLD MOUNTAIN for the umteenth time.  It is my all time favorite movie and worth watching for the umteenth time.  It barely edges out GONE WITH THE WIND which happened to debut in my birth year. 

I like "Cold Mountain" for many reasons, not the least of which, that it's an excellent Civil War story and I love that historical period (Ref. Gone with the Wind). 

It also reminds me of my sweet cousin, Peggy, who at this time, is courageously battling a brain tumor.  She and I read the book together years before the movie came out.  As with many books, we had many long and detailed book discussions via email.  We were both excited to learn a movie was forthcoming, wanting to compare book to movie.  Who would play Inman?  Who would play Ava and Ruby Tews?  Would it follow the storyline in the book?  We both agreed that we were not disappointed in the choices of actors nor the storyline.  In fact, it exceeded our expectations.  We both predicted that Renee Zellweger would win an academy award for her part and she did.  So, I never watch the movie without thinking of Peggy, her intelligence, her wit, her insight and how much I miss her.   

Next, the music is my kind of music.   It even contains two songs of an old timey music that I was privileged to sing, growing up.  Sacred Harp,  "Idumea" and "I'm Going Home".  Most exciting, some of the old Sacred Harp singers were invited to the Oscars where they shared the stage with Allison Kraus as she sang the Oscar nominated song, "Scarlet Tide".  One of my lifetime regrets, I wasn't there with them.  However, later had the opportunity to share the stage with Allison at Fort Worth's Bass Hall on the Great High Mountain tour of the music of both movies, "Cold Mountain" and "O Brother Where Art Thou".  It was an unforgettable time and perhaps, my fifteen minutes of fame.  I've enjoyed the sound track over and over and somehow, never tire of it. 

So, Cold Mountain, is not just a movie for me.  It's memories of a great friend/cousin, it's nostalgia of a young girl singing with her family the songs that, even now, touch me somewhere deep in my heart.  Music, God's universal language.