Tuesday, August 21, 2012


(First written February 18, 2010)

There comes a time when we have to recognize our limitations, be it from physical or mental abilities or more commonly, aging.  My colorful old Daddy once said, "By God, there are some things in this life you just can't do".  This, only in his fifties, when he and Mother had tried to learn to water ski.  Daddy had to be heaved back into the boat with a great amount of grunting, groaning and moaning.  And that was us, the ones trying to get him back in the boat!  Neither he nor Mother could ever get up on the skis although Mother tried until she cried the next day from being so sore.

I first went snow skiing in my early 40's.  For several years, I went once a year and could shush with the best of them.  For the last 10 years, I have gone with my son and family, including my great granddaughter, Kaci-Marie.  I had made it my goal to go until I could ski FREE which is at 69 years old.  The last two years, I have skied FREE.  There is a reason they allow 69 year olds to ski free.  It's because not too many wise old folks subject themselves to the high altitude, the brutal physical challenge and the sheer total exhaustion at the end of the day.  I'm not one of those wise old people because I enjoyed it so much, I could't resist the punishment.  Some say, "too soon old, too late wise".  That would be me.  So, it is with a bit of regret, disappointment (not in my abilities, but my age) that I have to hang up my ski boots.  I totally understand Brett Farve's desire to continue doing something he loves even though in the football world, he is considered too old.  In the ski world, I am considered old.  I am leaving on a high note.  I skied down the mountain several times, can still do it and still love it.